The following was my opening sentence in the `setting the stage` reflection in the beginning of the course. “The children of today are growing up to be global citizens. They are the natives in the world of technology. I would call myself an immigrant in that world. When I see my students with the modern day gadgets and the speed with which they operate them I am thoroughly amazed. It is for these students that we have to impart science and technology education to bring out their potential and to give them the confidence to compete globally. We have to educate our students to face problems of the kind we are not even aware of today. Technology is on an exponential rise. Our students should be able to go out into such a world equipped with technological knowhow to face the challenges that are to come. The internet has become an integral part of our lives”. Now having taken this course I would like to say that I am an immigrant who has adapted to the change in technology and to be honest loves it.
The most important requirements for effective science education are believed to be creativity and innovation skills, critical thinking, problem solving and finally communication and collaborative skills. I would have probably gone to my traditional way of teaching with simple technological use. Now I have a totally different perspective to science learning. Mainly for the laboratory sessions. The IB curriculum for example requires 60 hours of lab to be completed in a span of two years (Seems long but looking at the number of holidays and the fact that the mock exams are in March of the second year, this is really not sufficient time). I often find myself running short of time and trying to squeeze in additional classes that are an added stress to both my students and me. I am really fascinated by wikis and voicethread and I am sure that this coming year is going to help me find more time in the class for more discussions and reviews since most of the lab discussions and brainstorming could be done by using the above mentioned tools outside of the classroom.
I would like to quote a few of my classmates` (in the course) views and I share their judgment.
“I am not here to debate whether or not technology should be a part of our classrooms (implementing it into my lesson plans was a requirement in my college education program). In fact, I'm quite the fan of using it and am really excited to improve my own know-how”. How true. I have realized that use of technology goes beyond teaching and true to say I have become a fan also. Not only does it serve its purpose in teaching, it helps me communicate so widely.
Another quote that voices my thoughts “I know I need to help provide my students the resources and tools that are necessary for them to be successful in the 21st Century. I look forward to the challenge and the task!”
Yet another “Make a strict point of considering three things when implementing technology into the classroom. Those are pedagogy, technology and content. I think that the author has a fantastic point of making sure that you as the teacher understand and can articulate all three of these areas in order to better serve your students”.
I think that most of us have common facts to say regarding technology and webtools.
• Whether or not you are a fan or follower of Twitter, Facebook, blogging, podcasting, Flicker, and many others, Web2.0 and social networking is here to stay!
• Technology enables communication between related parties way beyond any other source.
• Students love it. It is evolving and dynamic and they love change.(so do we)
• Technology saves time. Serves a vital role in dealing with matters of emergency.
• Technology makes learning easier, authentic. (online simulations, online data). Visualizing (say 3D abstract concepts) helps understanding of theory well.
• Technology helps build rapport between teachers and students. Though I still call myself an immigrant in this world of technology, my students are going to love if I respond to them in social networking sites.
• I am sure they will learn better and have more time for discussion (say a project) outside of the classroom.
• Technology connects the intellect in people than physically connecting them. With students it gives them time to think and be more creative , eliminate errors as much as possible.(wikis)
To summarize I can say that I am glad I took this course. My intention in the course of this year is not only to get students involved but also introduce a few of the webtools to my fellow teachers in my school as well.
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