Monday, 25 July 2011

Final Project!!

My project is a `Laser diffraction` lab for higher level Physics students. This project focuses on the webtools wikis and voicethread and the use of online simulations and youtubes that could assist in doing a well informed complete laboratory work. I plan to have a wiki created for each of the labs that my students have to do this year.Brainstorming sessions and classroom discussions are time consuming. By using wikis and other support webtools, I am sure I can save a lot of class time.
Here, the project that guides the student through a complete lab on Laser diffraction is made primarily on a wiki
Once you are on the wiki there are links to voicethread, online simulation and youtubes in the various sections of the lab such as background knowledge, recommended reading/watching to name a few. I have also included a task in which students have to make a poster using Glogster for the experimental setup of the lab.


  1. I like this lab! You are making the students responsible for their own learning and also have them process what they have learned by using Voicethread. I too will be teaching physics this year (although not AP) do you think this lab would be suitable for my class- basic college prep physics- and if so, may I use this site?

  2. Thank you Mary.Surely you may use the sites. This will be suited for Honors Physics students and for your Basic college prep class. We could also use this as a differentiating instruction lesson in a Beginning Physics class by assigning a project as enrichment for the really`bright` Physics students.
