Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Reflections-New Challenge for the 21st century Science education leaders

The children of today are growing up to be global citizens. They are the natives in the world of technology. I would call myself an immigrant in that world. When I see my students with the modern day gadgets and the speed with which they operate them I am thoroughly amazed. It is for these students that we have to impart science and technology education to bring out their potential and to give them the confidence to compete globally. We have to educate our students to face problems of the kind we are not even aware of today. Technology is on an exponential rise. Our students should be able to go out into such a world equipped with technological knowhow to face the challenges that are to come.The internet has become an integral part of our lives. For me this very online course is a fine example of the extent of technological advance. I am doing this course from one end of the world (India).
The most important requirements for effective science education is believed to be creativity and innovation skills, critical thinking, problem solving and finally communication and collaborative skills. However we live in an Information age, science leaders should therefore realize the need for change. Most or all of the above skills have to be inculcated in young learners at a very early stage in order to groom them to be scientific thinkers of the future. Leaders should encourage science educators` commitment to improve by recommending appropriate tools in technology and modern equipments in the science classroom.
Studies show clearly that computers and modern day gadgets are replacing human memory and basic computational skills. Jobs requiring higher level of abstract problem solving skills are more in number. So if scientific knowledge is going to be taught by making students memorize and reproduce their scientific knowledge thus gained, they are being prepared for jobs that are fewer in number.
I would like to reflect on the findings of the National Academic Study:
Adaptability: Programs to provide opportunities to work individually and in groups, Trained to use tools and equipment that is suitable to analyze and interpret observation after designing and conducting an observation. This will help students to be all round learners. They will find their own space while working individually and this will improve their scientific thinking. As a mandatory internal assessment requirement our science class has a special criteria on design in the lab work. The students are assessed in various aspects. Individual design, choice of variables, relevant experimental setup and data interpretation. They  develop critical thinking skills as they work and working in a group also allows them to be look into the academic and social needs of the members in their group. In an international setup especially, science education should be very culturally sensitive.
Complex Communication and Social skills:This is a very important aspect of science learning. Here they are encouraged to design and conduct scientific investigations in a group. They have to communicate their scientific procedures and explanations as well as defend a scientific argument. They have to use technology to improve the investigation and communication. Social skills are very important in today`s global scene. Science and technology is unified and there is continuous exchange of the same from one country to another. To train students to effectively communicate and put forth one`s innovations is therefore vital and an important component of science education.
Non routine problem solving: Science programs should train students to identify questions that can be answered through scientific investigation, develop descriptions, explanations, predictions and models using evidence. They should be able to think critically and logically to make the relationship between evidence and explanations. They should be able to recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions. Rote learning should not be encouraged. Students should be trained to think laterally and develop alternate problem solving methods.
Self management and Self development: Students should design and conduct scientific investigations using appropriate tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data. They should be capable of self assessment. Critically appreciate their own work and make improvements. Science educators should be up to date in the knowledge of equipments and devices that could ensure precise observations in the lab classroom. Students should be taught the use of devices and encouraged to use them without a compromise on any of the other skills such as computational and traditional problem solving skills.
System thinking. Students should think critically and logically establish the relation between evidence and explanation. The purpose in any science education should not be for merely obtaining results. Interpretation of data, error propagation and conclusion with limitations and possible suggestions should be emphasized upon. Science educators have a major responsibility to promote a scientific learning that will make global citizens.
Make sure all students meet the standards for scientific inquiry and technological design. Build on the opportunities that already exist in school programs and teaching practices. Use of data logging devices should be encouraged to obtain a very precise set of observations. Computational skills using graphing calculators should be given importance. Introduce literacy and numeracy workshop for educators so that they could impart their skills to the students as a part of their learning outcome. Educators should understand that the human brain retains information when a concept moves from simple to complex. This instructional sequence in science learning should be the focus.
To summarize I would write the following from the text abstract recommended for the Web tools class this week. Contemporary justification for a vision of improved science education resides in themes such as education and the economy, basic skills for the workforce and thinking for a living. Leadership in Science education extends from science teachers to various people in key positions. Not all of them can be involved in curriculum writing and assessment but all of us have our roles and responsibilities and the extent to which we fulfill those responsibilities will finally make a difference for students as they live and work in the 21st century.

1 comment:

  1. Jayanthi~
    I especially appreciate your thoughts and insights on your reflection of the National Academic Study (Adaptability...what your assessment looks like is very impressive!) I look forward to following your blog!
